Fulham 1 Chelsea 0
OK so nothing at all to do with running and I can claim little (or possibly no) credit for the rather impressive scoreline above but I just like seeing it in big letters.
Cash news - all going brilliantly, Becky is happy with her total (she says thanks very much and you can stop now) and I'm more than happy with mine, thank you all very much.
You'll see a few very messy links down on the right hand side. If anyone knows how to tidy them up then I'll try my best but I'm new at all this blog/web stuff. Two are for cheap petrol and one for cheap cds/dvds etc. Certainly worth having a look at if you've got a couple of minutes.
I did it. I achieved what I set out to do at the beginning of the week. I thought three times in a week would be too much but with a lot of determination and effort I did it.
Now enough talk of pub visits, let's get back to running/exercise.
My second three-miler was on Wednesday. Very confident going into it as my first had been a great success in my view (i.e didn't collapse/die/walk/explode) however after practically knocking my old mate Stubbsy over by the White Hart Lane level crossing (look him up - Ray Stubbs) I developed a stitch on the mile mark that not only wouldn't go away but seemed to get worse. Started as a stitch in the side and increased all round my trunk (around my ribs, nowhere near my face) heavily restricting my breathing.
Glumly I had to head back mainly walking but also trotting (am I an elephant or a horse?) slightly until the pain kicked in. Put 'running stitch' into Google and after sifting through all the knitting and sewing websites was told to do the following:
Take deep breaths whilst running
Warm up properly
Breathe out through 'pursed' lips thus fully utilising the diaphragm
Alternate which side of the body I 'land on' whilst exhaling
Start at a reasonable pace but don't go off 'like a shot'
The whole breathing thing has always been a bit random and my 'efficiency' has probably suffered as a result so to get that sorted would be a major boost.
Slightly depressed when I got back but realised this was a minor hitch and no more than that.
Thursday was a very good footy session and felt definitely fitter afterwards (did I say that last week?). Friday was a pub night and on Saturday I once again attempted to complete my second three-miler. Very good run although about a minute slower than my first one (exact times are only important when I'm getting faster - you should know that by now) but I always felt comfortable and with a little bit more 'in the tank' if you get my drift.
Sunday was another rest day watching the football which was excellent although marred by some idiots running onto the pitch as was Monday (a rest day not a day marred by idiots etc. although that said .......) as I didn't go to my normal circuits class for many reasons, the main one being I didn't book it in time but also I seem to have acquired a slightly sore hip. Perhaps I've been overdoing it - we'll see. Perhaps that first sentence was far too long. Perhaps.
Talking to a couple of very old (in both senses) and extremely computer-literate friends in the pub about blogs/websites on Friday night and why or why not people should have them they came to the conclusion they should only exist if people have something worth saying. I may not fall into that category but this has definitely helped for two main reasons:
Charity Fund Raising
Motivating me to get out and get fitter (which I DEFINITELY feel)
That's justified it to myself - job done.
I think I've not conformed to blog etiquette by emailing people when there's been an update. I think you're supposed to just let people look as and when they can/feel like it. That's what I'll do from now on but I will say that I'll try and update at least every two weeks.