Attila the Hun
Let's talk degrees. We all know that a 2:2 is a Desmond (Tutu) but did you know that a 2:1 is an Attila, a 1st is a Geoff/Damian (Hurst/Hirst) and a 3rd is a Douglas/Thora (I'll leave that one for you to work out)
Anyhow, I FINALLY managed to get the inevitable and somewhat anti-climactical 2:1 the other week. Many thanks to loads of people for that but mainly college mates and Becky for immense support and encouragement without which I'd be scuppered. Completely. Now for that pay rise.
Just got back from a week abroad (there's a location clue above), which was highly enjoyable. Food, booze and company were very, very good. Weather was temperamental and house excellent (especially swimming pool), although I could have handled slightly fewer mosquitos. Did no running due to immense hilliness but a bit of swimming when weather permitted.
Finished off my "First Marathons: Personal Encounters with the 26.2-Mile Monster" and started "The Non-runner's Marathon Trainer". Both pretty good if immensely American which can grate slightly. More of my running aims and aspirations later.
Before I went away I had a pretty good weekly running/fitness schedule going which went as follows:
Lunchtime run with Garry and Tim for 30 mins/3 miles (roughly) along Grand Union Canal by side of office. Very pleasant route although a couple of bridges too many possibly.
Weight training class at work. One of the many training programmes I looked at said that if you're stronger you will be able to cope with the latter stages of races much better.
Lunchtime footy at work (outdoor)
Evening indoor footy
Same as Monday
Saturday or Sunday
3m run (to be increased)
This schedule is slightly hypothetical at the moment as I haven't managed a week with everything due to other commitments but it's certainly the aim.
There's also the Saturday morning 'army thing' - see for details. They've just started one in Richmond Park so I need to go and have a look really. Nothing ventured etc.
Still got 8 mile run in October in Kingston with Mark H, Alma, Andrea and Neal and possibly doing a 10k also in October - - in Regent's Park but I've got to check it doesn't clash with a party.
The very vague fantasy I've got (no, not that one) is to do a half-marathon in 2007 and a marathon in 2008 but realistically I'd like to stick to 10ks for the moment until I feel more comfortable with them and then progress.
Off to Cape Cod soon where I hope to do some running. Looking forward to the holiday immensely but three things concern me about it:
1 - Will miss start of footy season
2 - Will miss end of BB7 (although it's descended into a complete farce at the moment)
3 - Current flying/security/hand luggage nonsense.
That's it really except for one final thing.
You know when you go away for a week and you expect loads of things to have happened while you 've been away but none ever do. WRONG! Nice shiny new benches at Barnes Bridge BR station. In just a week as well.