2nd Run
** Previous posts are at the bottom of the page **
Stuff and Nonsense
Firstly I'd like to thank people who've sponsored me so far. The total is over £270 (online only) and rising every day. I've also got £30 in cash from various people and about another £30 promised so many thanks to everyone. I'll try not to let anyone down.
The link to sponsor is http://www.capital10k.co.uk/RunnerPage.aspx?BCID=1025425
I have two arms. Not particularly strong but certainly two in number. I say this because from my photo (the only one I can find in which I look even remotely sporty) it looks like I have only one. Or perhaps only one and a bit. But certainly not two. Glad that's sorted.
Does the clock on here look rubbish? Thought so. All this computer stuff is very confusing.
If Dave sponsors me I'll plug his company (see the 'Eden' on my t-shirt), if he doesn't I won't. Simple really.
Gmail is excellent, if anyone wants a gmail account then email me at john.lowit@gmail.com
You didn't come here to read my ramblings. You want to know about pavement pounding (and I do mean pounding) and the blood, sweat and tears associated with training for this 10k. With this in mind, read on:
Tuesday 21st February 2005
On the plus side I remembered to take my MP3 player (not an ipod, a cheap and cheerful 128mb player from ebay). On the minus side I programmed it incorrectly so had to do a mid-run fiddle to stop it playing 'Hakuna Matata' which you'll instantly recognise as one of the main songs in 'The Lion King'. It means 'no worries' ... etc. etc. Anyhow, I digress. I was knackered, it was windy and both the roads and pavements were more congested than the previous Sunday. Becky mentioned I'd have to be ultra-alert not to get run over whilst listening to the music. She was right.
Set off at quite a pace (these things are relative) but found my natural running speed very, very quickly. Definitely found it extremely hard going, the main reason being that perhaps in my excitement of actually surviving Sunday I had painted a rather rosier picture of my virgin run and therefore thought I could almost float through the mile and a half. I couldn't. It was knackering. People hogging the pavement. I'm sure one man coming out of Barnes Bridge station actually wanted me in the road. Grrrr. All these people possibly had a positive effect on my running as I think I speeded up as I went past them to try to give a rather better impression. Have I mentioned how windy it was?
So, mp3 player tucked into my shorts, phone clutched in my right hand (it records split times and saves them! How I love numbers and ridiculous statistics), wind rushing through my hair I actually managed to complete the 'course' in 15 minutes dead and not the 15 40 that I covered it in on Sunday. This was good news. Stats were noted, my VO2 max had suddenly become important (slightlier sprightlier slug now) and I experienced a buzz I've not had since birth of kids, getting married, Fulham getting promoted etc. etc.
5 a side football tonight so next run is probably not until Friday night or more realistically Saturday night. I'd be VERY happy with 14 50 but not displeased with 15 minutes dead again. Socks arrived this morning - special 'twin skin' anklets, don't you know. Something about keeping foot moisture away from outside world and rain away from manky (I blame my father) feet. See you soon and don't forget http://www.capital10k.co.uk/RunnerPage.aspx?BCID=1025425
1 comment:
Great! Now when I want to know what time it is there, and weather it is too early/late to call, I can check your page! As someone who went from Active Slug to Active Senior Citizen, Hurray! I'm aiming for active Child, Either Jessie or Isha. If Rosie is still a slow walker, I can definitely catch up to her activity level, and we can do our own race again, the one who can walk slowest but still move and arrive last wins! Harder then you would think!
How does someone without English money sponsor you?
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