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Thursday, June 29, 2006


It's a big week in the running world next week with my British 10k (got the hat AND the t-shirt) on Sunday and the JPM Chase 5.6k on Thursday. Despite doing very little training since Hyde Park I'm looking forward to both as a result of a very, very good 40 minute treadmill session yesterday.

Or at least I was looking forward to both until ............


Apparently it's going to be another very hot weekend. Aaaarrggghhh. Does anyone know any rain dances?

My tactics for Sunday are as follows:

Start slow
Start in either the 50-60 min pack or the 60-70 min pack so I don't spend the first kilometre weaving in and out of people
Not worry about the time
Finish it

Ideally, of course, I don't want to walk any of it but if it is as hot as last time and it's a choice between walking or lying on the ground struggling for breath I'll take the former. My priorities have changed so much that I'm even thinking of leaving the new flash stop watch at home. Maybe.

With a sort of reversed, warped logic I'm planning big changes from next weekend onwards including changing my eating habits, going on a strict training plan geared towards the 8.2 miles in October (it's actually geared towards 10 miles but I'll adapt slightly), running with boys from work every Monday (hate running with other people although as I've never tried it ....), doing a class in the work gym with the rather dodgy title of 'Body Pump' which is basically a lot of weights work (I read somewhere that this will help your overall strength, especially at the end of races. Makes sense really).

That's it really, quietly confident about next week and thanks for the £1,078.72 from the BUPA Capital run. I've taken the link off for now.

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